I've got plenty of things that I want, but here are my top 5. It isn't easy to pick only the important and higher priority ones because I want alot of things, and I mean ALOT!
#5: I've been having my eyes on the MacBook Pro but when the new MacBook came out, I am caught in the middle, I cannot decide. What if I get the MacBook, but end up regretting not getting the Pro?? I mean I've always wanted the Pro. :)
#4: I know I just came back from a long break in Dec, yes I went home for a month, and another short one in the beginning of February; where my bf flew us over to Melbourne, since I've been wanting to go there :). but yes, I still want another holiday. Maybe this time, a beach resort :) like Bora Bora, hehe, ok okay, let's start small, hmmm, Fiji?
#3: Currently renting, it's not all that good you know, the rental prices solely depends on the owner, whether he wants to increase the price or not. I have been looking for a nice place that I can someday call home. Of course this would be a different home from HOME where my parents are :) and I want a nice KITCHEN, to do my cooking and baking, space to put my KitchenAid Mixer :) and other equipments. On another note, I am also looking for a food processor. I am keen on the KitchenAid one *faints, so pricey* , but was told that the Cuisinart is better, anyone knows? So, back to #3, to find a place I can someday call home and a nice big kitchen :) where? I have no idea. Sydney properties are so pricey. And I am looking at NEW please.
#2: I want a puppy!!! I grew up with dogs, and I miss them dearly. I used to have rotties :) They aren't ferocious or violent, they are such loving, loyal, funny and smart dogs, and they can protect you. I love them to bits, they were surely my bestfriends and will always be. They were always around when I needed to brighten my day, they never seem to fail to put a smile on my face :). So yes I want a puppy, what breed? No idea, currently thinking of a small dog, easier to manage and feed :) and CLEAN.
#1: You :) Yep yep, that won't change. I <3 you dear.
So here are my top 5 list of things. hehe
Have a good day.
Awww I'd love a dog too! Sadly I'm so allergic to my favourite breed, the pug. I also love Pomeranians :) Are you going for a particular breed?
:) i'm looking at American Cocker Spaniel, though I would want a rottie or a golden retriever. but they eat more and i need to have more space for them to round around .:)
pugs are soo cute...
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