While we were holidaying in Bali, we came across this cafe Excelso which served Kopi Luwak. Have no idea what I'm talking about? It's actually droppings of an Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) known as this lil' fella in the picture below.
Yes, you heard me right, droppings = poo, sounds yucky yet?
Wonder how this works? The Asian Palm Civet aka Luwak, eats the coffee berries and then passed through its digestive system. Then the droppings go through thorough washing, drying, light roasting, brewing and other processes until it is ready and safe to be sold and consumed.
Can you believe that these droppings is also known as one of the most expensive coffee in the world.
Anyway, my parents are coffee lovers and decided to give it a try...
It was served in this.....Take a look at the video below that I've recorded on how the Kopi Luwak was served.
The aroma of the Kopi Luwak is mild, nothing strong like an Americano or black coffee. But it was definitely an experience. Don't worry, there were no sh*tty smell at all.
I'm not sure whether you can get it here in Australia or anywhere else in the world besides Indonesia and maybe Indonesian restaurants. But if you haven't tried it, you should, you only live once! :)