Friday, March 4, 2011

Lesson 4: Exams & Custard Tart

Yes, we have exams so early on in the teaching period.

We were tested on our knife skills, Concassee (brunoise tomatoes and onions, sauteed and covered with a cartouche).  
Cartouche - silicone paper to cover the concassee in the pan on low heat.

We also got to make some custard tarts. It is made out of sweet short pastry and custard filling sprinkled with some cinnamon or cardamon. Simply delicious. No egg-y taste at all.

We learnt about spoilage/food borne illness. It is vital for us to understand how to avoid that from happening. Another thing we learnt was what are micro-organism and where do they come from. There are 6 conditions necessary for microbial growth. All we have to do is remember FAT TOM!
F - Food high in protein
A - Acidity, close to neutral ph 7
T - Time
T - Temperature, danger zone 5 - 60 degree celcius
O - Oxygen
M - Moisture

I bet FAT TOM is in your head too! :)

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